Functions that wrap useful minkasi recipes
get_grad_prior(todvec, mapset, gradmap, *args, **kwargs)
Make a gradient based prior. This helps avoid errors due to sharp features.
todvec: The TODs what we are mapmaking.
mapset: The mapset to compute priors with.
We assume that the first element is the map we care about.
gradmap: Containter to use as the gradient map.
*args: Additional arguments to pass to get_grad_mask_2d.
**kwargs: Kewword arguments to pass to get_grad_mask_2d.
prior: A prior to pass to run_pcg_wprior.
new_mapset: A mapset with the original map and a cleared prior map.
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make_naive(todvec, skymap, outdir)
Make a naive map where we just bin common mode subtracted TODs.
todvec: The TODs to mapmake.
skymap: Map to use as footprint for outputs.
naive: The navie map.
hits: The hit count map.
We use this as a preconditioner which helps small-scale convergence quite a bit.
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make_weights(todvec, skymap, outdir)
Make weights and noise map.
todvec: The TODs to mapmake.
skymap: Map to use as footprint for outputs.
weightmap: The weights map.
noisemap: The noise map.
This is just 1/sqrt(weights).
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reestimate_noise_from_map(todvec, mapset, noise_class, noise_args, noise_kwargs)
Use the current guess at the map to reestimate the noise:
todvec: The TODs to reestimate noise for.
mapset: Mapset containing the current map solution.
noise_class: Which noise model to use.
noise_args: Additional arguments to pass to set_noise.
noise_kwargs: Additional keyword argmuents to pass to set_noise.
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solve_map(todvec, x0, ihits, prior, maxiters, save_iters, outdir, desc_str)
Solve for map with PCG.
todvec: The TODs what we are mapmaking.
x0: The initial guess mapset.
ihits: The inverse hits map.
prior: Prior to use when mapmaking, set to None to not use.
maxiters: Maximum PCG iters to use.
save_iters: Which iterations to save the map at.
outdir: The output directory
desc_str: String used to deterime outroot.
mapset: The mapset with the solved map.
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