Functions for performing forward modeling
get_chis(m, idx, idy, rhs, v, weight, dd=None)
A faster, but more importantly much less memory intensive, way to get chis. The idea is chi^2 = (d-Am)^T N^-1 (d-Am). Previously we would calculate the residuals d-Am and calculate directly. However d-Am has shape [ndet, nsamp], which is very big. m has shape [nx, ny], much smaller. A, the pointing reconstruction, can be encapsulated into a few pars. Therefore if we can do everthing in map shape, we save a lot on the ammount of stuff we need to put on the GPU. We can expand chi^2 as
d^T N^-1 d -2d^T N^-1 A m + m^T A^T N^-1 A m = dd - 2*dot(m, rhs) + mm
the first term only has to do with the data. If we care about the absolute value of chi2, which we do at the end, then we can include it in calculation. For MCMC however, we only care about the relative delta chi2 between models. So we can drop that term. For the other terms
mm = m^T A^T N^-1 A m
This term is essentially what we've been doing before, except that m is now in map shape, whereas before m was in tod shape so we essentially had Am. So we need to do Am, but this is in general fast and Jon has a very fast way of doing it. Finally rhs need only be computed once, and while it is an additional thing to put on the gpu it is small, map shape.
Name | Type | Description | Default |
m |
The model evaluated at all the map pixels |
required |
idx |
|["model_idx"], the x index output by tod_to_index |
required |
idy |
|["model_idy"], the y index output by tod_to_index |
required |
rhs |
The map output of todvec.make_rhs. Note this is how the data enters into the chi2 calc. |
required |
v |
The right singular vectors for the noise SVD. These rotate the data into the basis of the SVD. |
required |
weight |
The noise weights, in fourier space, SVD decomposed. |
required |
dd |
None | floating
Optional chi2 from dd. Not necessary for MCMC but is important for evaluating goodness of fit. |
chi2 : np.floating The chi2 of the model m to the data.
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sample(model_params, xyz, beam, params, tods)
Generate a model realization and compute the chis of that model to data.
tods: Array of tod parameters. See prep tods
params: model parameters
model_params: number of each model componant
xyz: grid to evaluate model at
beam: Beam to smooth by
chi2: the chi2 difference of the model to the tods
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